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来源: 最后更新:22-06-24 01:07:16


  EU - The European pig slaughter market is picking up courage again. Above all, the German quotation’s sideward movement tipped the scales to stabilise the market situation.The quotations moved sideward altogether. The Dutch quotation was an exception, having hit the bottom already with its plus 2 cents.Austria, for example, rather bets on clearly improving prices with the so-called big players on the European market.France currently ranks first within the pricing structure of the five member countries most significant in pig keeping. Yet, this is not to be mistaken for careless production conditions. The French pig-keeping business still has to fight massively for competitiveness. The competitors’ price levels as well as the Spanish exporters’ massive pricing pressure quite bother the French.


标签: 猪肉报价  欧盟  养猪行情  



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