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来源: 最后更新:22-10-24 01:42:39


  致入泉外籍人员的一份信(A Letter to Foreign Friends Coming to Yangquan pr8宝宝百科网

  亲爱的来泉外籍朋友们(Dear foreign friends)pr8宝宝百科网


  (Since the outbreak of COVID-19, under the strong leadership of Yangquan municipal government and with the joint effort of all citizens, the epidemic prevention and control of the whole city has been effectively carried out and the social production and daily life of our city is on the way of full resumption. However, the epidemic is spreading fast globally at present. In order to further improve the epidemic prevention and control work, we offer the following special reminders to foreign friends living in Yangquan.)pr8宝宝百科网


  一、如您不在中国,建议您在非必要情况下不要急于返泉,严防中途感染。同时,要持续关注疫情变化,尽量避免前往人员密集场所或参加集体活动,做好自身防护,确保个人安全。 pr8宝宝百科网

  (1. If currently you are not in China, without adequate reasons, we suggest that you do not rush to come Yangquan in case of possible infection during the travel. Meanwhile, please pay close attention to the latest development of the epidemic. Please avoid going to crowded places and reduce group activities. Protect yourself and ensure your safety.)pr8宝宝百科网


  二、如您计划于近期返泉,请您本人或通过所在单位、朋友或家人提前拨打市防控热线电话进行报备。报告事项包括人员姓名、护照号码、联系方式、健康状况、返回时间、行程及所乘坐交通工具。旅行途中务必做好隔离防护。 pr8宝宝百科网

  (2. If recently you plan to come to Yangquan, please contact with the epidemic prevention and control hotline to report your name, passport number, way of contact, health status and travel schedule. Protection must be taken during your transfer from abroad to Yangquan.)pr8宝宝百科网


  三、3月20日零时起,我们将对抵泉的所有境外人员实施集中隔离,费用由个人自理。对70周岁及以上的老年人、14周岁及以下的未成年人、孕产妇、患有基础性疾病等原因不适宜集中观察的,经严格评估后,可在落实陪护人员防护条件下实行居家隔离。希望大家充分理解并积极配合开展隔离期间各项检测,共同防范疫情带来的风险,维护好自己及他人的健康安全。 pr8宝宝百科网

  (3. Starting from zero o’clock of March 20th, all arrivals from overseas must undergo 14-day quarantine at designated facilities in Yangquan. The expenses during the quarantine will be borne by yourself. After rigorous assessment, arrivals who are not suitable for quarantine at designated places, such as people aged 70 and above, minors aged 14 and below, pregnant women and patients with chronic disease may stay at home taken care by dedicated people for home quarantine. Everyone should actively cooperate with the municipal government to take various tests during quarantine so as to jointly prevent the risks from the epidemic and protect your own and others' health.)pr8宝宝百科网


  四、对于谎报、瞒报个人旅居史、接触史、健康史等相关信息的,造成疫情扩散,危害公共安全,将要承担相应的法律责任。让我们一起做好疫情防控工作,为守护大家的健康安全共同努力! pr8宝宝百科网

  (4. For the ones who give false reports, such as concealing personal travel details and virus exposure experience, and cause the spread of the virus and endanger public safety, they will bear corresponding legal responsibilities. Let's all take part in the epidemic prevention together to safeguard everyone's health and safety!)pr8宝宝百科网

  市防控热线电话:0353-12345(Epidemic Prevention and Control Hotline: 0353-12345 pr8宝宝百科网

  防控英语服务热线:0353-2042817(English Services: 0353-2042817 pr8宝宝百科网


(Foreign Affair Office of People'sGovernment of Yangquan)pr8宝宝百科网


(March 21, 2020)pr8宝宝百科网

标签: 疫情  防控  人员  阳泉市  外籍  



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