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来源: 最后更新:22-10-03 04:03:21


  Guidelines on COVID-19 Vaccinationciu宝宝百科网

  for Foreign Nationals in Hunanciu宝宝百科网

  Q1: What is the age requirement for COVID-19 vaccination?ciu宝宝百科网

  Currently only foreigners who are 18 years old or above are eligible for vaccination.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q2: Which vaccine will I receive?ciu宝宝百科网

  Currently an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 (Vero cell) vaccine and a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell vaccine, both made in China, are being used in Hunan Province. A full course of SARS-CoV-2 (Vero cell) vaccine consists of 2 doses at the interval of 3 weeks at least and 8 weeks at most. The Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell vaccine consists of 3 doses, interval among each dose should be at least 4 weeks. The second dose should be given no later than 8 weeks after the first dose, and the third dose no later than 6 months after the first dose. Please refer to the specific instructions before vaccination. The instructions may change depending on the vaccine type later supplied at the vaccination site.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q3: How to make an appointment for vaccination?ciu宝宝百科网

  Foreign citizens meeting the requirements for vaccination may in principle book your vaccination with the designated vaccination medical institutions published in this Guide: Those who have an employer are supposed to apply to your employer who will collect the booking information and make appointment; individuals without an employer may book your vaccination with the community (village) where you live, which will collect the booking information and make appointment; individuals may also book vaccination directly with the designated vaccination medical institutions in your community.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q4:What documents are required for vaccination?ciu宝宝百科网

  Foreigners need to provide a valid ID when making the appointment of vaccination, and to provide their passport and valid residency permit on the spot of vaccination. Please make sure that the relevant certificates are within validity.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q5: What kind of papers need to be signed?ciu宝宝百科网

  Before the vaccination, an informed consent and a letter of commitment need to be signed at the same time. You should also take personal protection measures and inform medical staff on site of your health condition so that they can decide if you are suitable for inoculation or not.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q6: Should I pay for the vaccination?ciu宝宝百科网

  Foreign nationals who have been covered by Hunan’s social medical insurance scheme may take vaccine free of charge by presenting due insurance document at the vaccination site. Those who have not should bear the cost of RMB 100 per dose on their own.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q7: Is there some dos and don’ts after vaccination?ciu宝宝百科网

  You should stay at the vaccination site for 30 minutes of observation after getting vaccinated, and may then leave if you have no adverse reaction. Keep the injection point dry on the day of vaccination and pay attention to personal hygiene. You should immediately seek medical help and alert the vaccine provider if you develop a persistent fever or other symptoms.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q8: How do I get the vaccination certificate?ciu宝宝百科网

  When completing the vaccination, you can get the COVID-19 vaccination certificate from the medical staff at the vaccination site.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q9: Do I need to wear a mask after being vaccinated?ciu宝宝百科网

  Vaccination will produce immunity from COVID-19 and greatly reduce infection risks. However, None of the vaccines can be guaranteed for a 100% protective effect; some people may have insufficient antibodies after the vaccination and they can still be vulnerable to infection, especially when an immunologic barrier is not yet created. So it is important to wear masks, wash hands regularly, and keep social distance.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q10: Do I still have to take nucleic acid test after being vaccinated? Can my vaccine taking certificate substitute for nucleic acid test report?ciu宝宝百科网

  Vaccine taking can reduce infection risks, but no vaccine is 100% effective. When necessary, foreign nationals should still cooperate with relative departments and take nucleic test as required.ciu宝宝百科网

  Q11:Designated vaccination medical institutions for foreigners in Hengyangciu宝宝百科网

County (City/District)ciu宝宝百科网

Vaccination medical institutionsciu宝宝百科网


Contact numberciu宝宝百科网

Urban areaciu宝宝百科网

Huaxin Branch Hospital of Hengyang Central Hospitalciu宝宝百科网

First floor, Huaxin Branch Hospital of Hengyang Central Hospitalciu宝宝百科网


Nanyue Districtciu宝宝百科网

Community Health Service Centre of Zhurong Streetciu宝宝百科网

295 Hengshan Road, Nanyue Districtciu宝宝百科网


Hengyang Countyciu宝宝百科网

County Health Care Hospitalciu宝宝百科网

West Town Middle School North Road, Hengyang Countyciu宝宝百科网


Hengnan Countyciu宝宝百科网

CDC Vaccination Clinic of Hengnan Countyciu宝宝百科网

313 Xintang South Road, Yunji Town, Hengnan Countyciu宝宝百科网


Hengshan Countyciu宝宝百科网

Kaiyun Town Health Center, Hengshan Countyciu宝宝百科网

133 Middle People’s Road, Hengshan Countyciu宝宝百科网


Hengdong Countyciu宝宝百科网

Vaccination Clinic of Mishui Town Health Center, Hengdong Countyciu宝宝百科网

169 Hengyue South Road, Mishui Town, Hengdong Countyciu宝宝百科网


Qidong Countyciu宝宝百科网

Community Health Service Centre of Hongqiao Street, Qidong Countyciu宝宝百科网

59 Dingshan East Roadciu宝宝百科网


Leiyang Cityciu宝宝百科网

Chengnan Branch of ciu宝宝百科网

Maternal and Child ciu宝宝百科网

Health Care Hospital, Leiyang Cityciu宝宝百科网

Intersection of Middle West Lake Road and Jinnan Roadciu宝宝百科网


Changning Cityciu宝宝百科网

Community Health Service Centre of Peiyuan Streetciu宝宝百科网

61 Nanzheng Street, Changning Cityciu宝宝百科网



标签: 微软  宋体  suitable  measures  inform  



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