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来源: 最后更新:22-07-14 08:06:22


  CANADA - DGH Engineering estimates the cost of building new finisher barn capacity at 500 to 520 dollars per pig place.DGH Engineering, on behalf of Manitoba Pork, has developed cost estimates for the construction of new hog production facilities.DGH President Dennis Hodgkinson says right now finisher pig barn costs are in the order of 500 to 520 dollars per pig place, considerably higher than the approximately 300 dollars per place in 2001.

  加拿大农业工程技术服务供应商DGH Engineering公司预计,每头育肥猪所占的猪圈设施创造成本为500-520美元。DGH Engineering公司作为曼尼托巴省猪肉协会的代表,尽职养猪生产新设施创造的成本评估。DGH主席丹尼斯·哈吉金森(Dennis Hodgkinson)说:“目前,每头育肥猪所占的猪圈成本大约在500-520美元之间,与2001年大约300美元的创造成本相比,更加昂贵。”

标签: 育肥猪  猪圈  建造成本  猪场建设  



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