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来源: 最后更新:22-06-28 03:22:06


  SCOTLAND, UK - A 30,000 funding package has been agreed to provide agricultural training opportunities for young farmers and other young people working in the rural economy.The grant was agreed during a meeting between the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC) and Minister for Young People Aileen Campbell. The SAYFC is Scotland's largest rural youth organisation, it provides members with a range of opportunities including training, travel and personal development.Confirming the funding, Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead said: “I am firmly committed to helping increase opportunities for young farmers and other young people in rural communities, and I recognise the valuable work of the SAYFC.

  英国已经允许一个价值三万英镑的资金准备,为年轻养殖户和其他在农村工作的年轻人提供农业培训机会。苏格兰青年养殖户俱乐部与青年部长艾琳·坎贝尔(Aileen Campbell)会晤并允许拨款。苏格兰青年养殖户俱乐部是苏格兰最大的农村青年组织,它给成员们提供包括培训,游历和个人发展的一系列机会。农村事务部部长理查德·隆海德(Richard Lochhead)尽职监督资金,他说“:我将坚定的致力于帮助年轻养殖户和其他在农村社区工作的年轻人增添机会,苏格兰青年养殖户俱乐部这项工作很有价值。”

标签: 年轻养殖户  苏格兰青年养殖户俱  养猪行情  



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