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来源: 最后更新:22-06-27 07:02:32


  US - Pork producers will get the latest information on animal health, nutrition and other vital topics at the Southern Indiana Pork Conference.The conference, sponsored by Purdue Extension and Indiana Pork, will be 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. February 5 at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant, 393 Third Avenue, Jasper."The goal is to bring together pork producers, academics, veterinarians and others in the pork industry to talk about key industry issues," said Kenneth Eck, Extension educator in Dubois County and a conference organizer.

  在印第安纳州南部的猪肉会议,养猪者们将能够得到最新关于牲畜健康、营养和其他重要主题的信息。会议由印第安纳州的普渡大学分校主办,将在贾斯伯(Jasper)第三大道393号Schnitzelbank餐厅举办,光阴是二月五日上午十点至下午四点半。印第安纳州分校教师兼会议组织者肯尼斯·艾克(Kenneth Eck)说, “会议目标是将猪肉生产商、学者、兽医和其他猪肉行业人才聚拢起来议论行业关键问题”。

标签: 牲畜健康  营养  养猪行情  



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