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来源: 最后更新:22-06-26 04:47:31


  CANADA - A professor of livestock genomics with the University of Alberta says the use of genomics in the selection of breeding stock offers its greatest potential for difficult to measure traits such as health, reproduction and meat quality, writes Bruce Cochrane.Genomics is the study of the genetic material, the DNA, that provides the blueprint for the structure of an organism.As part of research being conducted on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc, scientists are developing tools to apply genomics to the selection of superior breeding stock.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据阿尔伯特大学的一名家畜基因组学教授称,基因组学在育种的选择性上能提供其最大的潜力,在选择特性方面的价值难以预计,譬如健康体质,繁殖和肉质。基因组学是研究遗传物质,即DNA,为生物体结构提供蓝图。作为部分进行研究的生猪创新代表,科学家正在开辟工具,将基因组学应用到优良血统的选育。

标签: 基因组学  育种  养猪行情  



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