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来源: 最后更新:22-06-26 12:07:14


  SOUTH AFRICA - The devastating drought gripping South Africa is having a disastrous impact on pork producers and will lead to inevitable increases in the price of pork products. The South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) says even if good rains fall now, it will be too late for many farmers to recover from the knock they are taking.“Up to 60 percent of pig feed is comprised of maize and because maize farmers have been unable to plant decent crops this season, the price for available yellow maize increased since February 2015 by 70 percent. Many pork producers are in difficulty and are facing financial hardships,” said Simon Streicher, CEO of SAPPO.Mr Streicher said famers are looking to maintain the same level of production as in the past but with limited, and increasingly expensive, resources.

  南非严重的干旱扣人心弦,对猪肉生产商产生劫难性影响,将导致猪肉制品价格不可避免的增添。南非猪肉生产商组织(SAPPO)称,即使现在下一场大雨,对于许多农民来说也为时已晚,很难从他们正在谈论的干旱劫难中恢重。南非猪肉生产商组织(SAPPO)执行总裁西蒙·施特赖希(Simon Streicher)说:“超过60%的养猪饲料是由玉米制成,因为玉米种植者在这个季节不能种植像样的农作物,黄玉米的价格自2015年2月增添了70%。许多猪肉生产商处于艰难之中,面对财政危机。农民正在试图维持和过于相同的生产水平,但是受到限制,资源越来越昂贵。”

标签: 南非  干旱  猪肉饲料  养猪行情  



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