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来源: 最后更新:22-06-25 04:45:17


  SPAIN - Pig slaughter and pork production are likely to continue to grow during 2016, with a stabilisation or reduction possible in 2017, according to a recent report by the US Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service (USDAFAS).The Spanish swine sector is the most important livestock industry in Spain, as official data from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture (MAGRAMA) in 2014 shows the Spanish swine sector accounts for 37 per cent of the final livestock production and 14 per cent of final agricultural production.In 2015 the Spanish swine sector started with 86,552 farms, (80 per cent of the farms as intensive swine production and 20 per cent as extensive swine production) thus 1.2 per cent higher than previous year and 13 per cent lower than 2007, but with higher efficiency.


标签: 西班牙  猪肉生产  养猪行情  



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