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来源: 最后更新:22-06-24 03:41:24


  EU - Being in line with the flu epidemic, the European pig slaughter market is in a huff. A market observer in Great Britain describes his view of the situation as follows: Watching Germany sneeze, Europe starts shaking.Saying so, he speaks about the German slaughter companies seeming like a nightmare to all others, them paying extensive discounted prices by which pressure was exerted on the market last week to an extent making the German quotation going down by 7 cents. As a consequence the whole European market started shaking, with all quotations going down but for the French.The price decreases are ranking from 1.9 cents as noted in the Netherlands up to the 7 cents’ peak noted in Germany. The Dutch quotation went down gradually over the past weeks, thus still ranking behind Germany and last among the five EU member countries most significant in pig keeping.


标签: 猪肉报价  欧盟  养猪行情  



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