来源: 最后更新:22-06-23 08:06:22
US - The Canadian hog herd, like the US herd is growing slowly. The Canadian hog inventory was up 0.7 per cent at the start of 2016 to 13.26 million head. The breeding herd was up 1.6 per cent and the market hog inventory was up 0.6 per cent compared to a year ago, write Ron Plain and Scott Brown, Ag Economics, MU.The Canadian hog inventory is 19.4 per cent the size of the U.S. herd. The combined U.S. and Canadian swine herd was 0.8 per cent larger at the end of 2015 than a year earlier.
农业经济学家罗恩普莱恩(Ron Plain)和斯科特布朗(Scott Brown)写道,加拿大猪群和美国猪群一样正在徐徐增长。加拿大猪群库存从2016年初增长了0.7%,达到1326万头。育种猪群与去年相比增长了1.6%,市场生猪库存提高0.6%。加拿大猪群库存是美国猪群规模的19.4%。美国与加拿大合并后的猪群数量截止2015年底比上年同期增长0.8%。
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