来源: 最后更新:22-06-23 02:33:23
US - Livestock and poultry producers have benefited from benign feed ingredient markets so far this year, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.Corn prices, basis the nearby futures contract, have traded in a 20 cent per bushel range since the start of the year, down 10 per cent from a year earlier and down 20 per cent from two years ago.Last week, the USDA in its World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE), made no significant changes to its corn market forecast, except to narrow the price range for expected prices this crop year to $3.40-$3.80, shrinking from a 50 cent range in February. Since the start of the crop year last September, corn prices at the farm have averaged $3.65.
史蒂夫·迈耶(Steve Meyer)和莱恩·施泰纳(Len Steiner)写道,畜牧业、家禽养殖者到今年目前为止受益于良好的饲料市场。玉米价格基于最近的期货合同,贸易在今年年初有每蒲式耳20美分的波动,较去年相比下降10%,与前年相比下降20%。由于玉米价格区间在二月缩小50美分,美国农业部上周在世界农业供需报告中预料玉米市场,除了今年玉米价格区间约摸缩小,在3.4美元到3.8美元之间,其他没有尤其重要变幻。从去年九月的作物年开始,农场玉米均匀价格在3.65美元。
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