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来源: 最后更新:22-06-23 04:29:30


  US - Research planned by the US based Swine Health Information Center will improve the detection of viruses that may put the US Swine herd at risk, writes Bruce Cochrane.As part of its 2016 strategic plan, the Swine Health Information Center has allocated one million dollars to support the development of diagnostics to detect viruses at which the US swine herd may be at risk.Swine Health Information Center Executive Director Dr. Paul Sundberg says this effort will focus on viral detection.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,美国生猪健康信息中央主导的研究准备将对美国猪群产生风险的病毒提高检测水平。作为2016年策略准备的一部分,生猪健康信息中央已经拨款一百万美元来支持检测病毒的诊断研制,主要针对为美国猪群带来风险的病毒。美国生猪健康信息中央常务主任保罗桑德博格(Paul Sundberg)博士说:“工作重心倾向于病毒检测。”

标签: 美国  生猪健康信息中心  病毒  养猪行情  



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