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来源: 最后更新:22-06-22 12:17:54


  EU - Traditionally, Denmark has been the leading EU exporter of pork to third country markets. However, in 2015 it was overtaken by both Germany and Spain.All three countries shipped over 300,000 tonnes of pork outside the EU during the year, accounting for 60 per cent of EU pork exports between them, up from just over half two years before.Germany and Spain recorded increases in non-EU sales of 23 per cent and 30 per cent respectively during the year, while Danish exports rose by just 4 per cent; overall EU exports were up 11 per cent. Third country markets accounted for nearly 30 per cent of Spanish and Danish exports but only 20 per cent for Germany.


标签: 猪肉出口  欧盟  第三国  养猪行情  



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