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来源: 最后更新:22-06-18 09:15:17


  FRANCE - In a country world-famous for its food, a small French pig producer’s strategy for meeting consistently high standards of quality, welfare and nutrition has earned it a spot on the map.The Haffner family has been farming pigs in northeastern France for generations, but their vertically integrated operation still isn’t easy to find.Tucked into a quiet corner of the Lorraine region, Ferme Haffner (Haffner Farm) is nestled into the rural village of Montigny in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle — population 150. Despite its remote location, the progressive farm is hardly a secret to its expanding customer base — one that’s been fueled in recent years by the Haffners’ ambitious production model, which balances quality, consistency and efficiency with consumer demand for healthier, responsibly raised food that is also flavorful.

  一个小规模的法国猪肉生产商通过不断实现高标准的肉质,福利和营养的策略在以食品而闻名全世界的国家地图上赢得了一个位置。哈夫纳(Haffner)家族向来在法国东北部世代养猪,但是他们的垂直一体化经营依然很难找到。Ferme Haffner(哈夫纳农场)隐蔽在洛林地区的一个寂静角落,依偎在默尔特-摩泽尔省(Meurthe-et-Moselle) 蒙蒂尼(Montigny)的村庄—拥有150人口。尽管他的位置偏远,但是农场通过近几年极其努力的生产方式使肉质、稳定性和效率与消费者的健康需求达成一致,尽职任的生产美味的食物,逐渐扩张自己的客户群体,这已经不算什么秘密了。

标签: 法国  高标准  猪肉生产商  养猪行情  



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