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欧盟猪价:部分报价没有改变 2021美国猪价

来源: 最后更新:22-06-18 02:14:46


  EU - This current week of slaughter, the European pig slaughter market appears unsettled.While some countries were able to keep their prices increasing, others take a breather. The German quotation’s standstill keeps other EU member countries, such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria, from further raising their quotations.Over the Whitsun weekend, the weather had left much to be desired. Furthermore, one day of slaughter had been missing. So for the time being, the air got thin as to further price increases.

  欧洲生猪屠宰市场在本周的屠宰中浮现动荡。有一些国家能够保持他们的报价持续增长,而另一些国家的报价没有变幻。德国报价停止,使欧萌玟他成员国进一步提高他们的报价,譬如荷兰、比利时和奥地利。在圣灵降临周(Whitsun weekend),天气使得需求远远没有得到满意。此外,还缺乏一天的屠宰量。所以就目前而言,供应稀缺以至于价格进一步增添。

标签: 欧盟  报价  生猪屠宰市场  养猪行情  



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