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来源: 最后更新:22-06-17 12:33:53


  ANALYSIS - Scientists in the US have discovered a strain of E.coli resistant to the antibiotic colistin in the intestine of a pig.The discovery comes at the same time as researchers at the Walter Reed Research Institute in the US identifies the first colistin resistant mcr-1 E.coli in a person.The colistin resistant E.coli discovered in the pig’s intestine has the same mcr-1 gene.It was discovered by scientists from the USDA and Department of Health and Human Services searching for colistin-resistant bacteria in food animals, retail meats and people.The HSS said that the two discoveries are of concern because colistin is used as a last resort drug to treat patients with multi-drug resistant infections.

  美国科学家在一头猪的肠道中发明一株对粘菌素(colistin)有反抗力的大肠杆菌(E.coli)。在发明的与此同时,美国沃尔特里德研究所(Walter Reed Research)的研究者在人身上识辞出首个携带粘菌素抗性基因(mcr-1)的大肠杆菌。美国农业部(USDA)和美国卫生及公共服务部(Department of Health and Human Services)的科学家对动物食品、零售肉类和人类的粘菌素抗性细菌进行研究,发明了猪肠道与人的粘菌素抗性大肠杆菌拥有相同的抗性基因(mcr-1)。HSS说:“这两个发明都很故意义,因为粘菌素被用作治疗受到双重耐药菌感染病人的最后药物手段。”

标签: 粘菌素  大肠杆菌  猪肠道  养猪行情  



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