来源: 最后更新:22-06-14 08:06:52
CANADA - Research conducted on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc is expected to shed new light on the effects of vibration during transport on the behavior and comfort of pigs and ultimately on the quality of the pork they produce.As part research being conducted on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc, scientists are evaluating the effect of vibration on swine behavior and comfort during transport.Dr. Luigi Faucitano, a meat scientist with the Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, says trucks were equipped with accelerometers to track vibration during transport, pigs were fitted with heart rate and body temperature monitors, cameras were installed to monitor behavior, whether the pigs were sitting, standing or lying, blood sample were collected prior to slaughter to asses stress factors and meat quality was analyzed after slaughter.
以养猪创新项目组织(Swine Innovation Porc)为代表进行的研究,预计将揭示运输颠簸对猪舒适度与行为、和对它们最终产出的猪肉质量的影响。作为养猪创新项目组织为代表进行研究的一部分,科学家们正在评估运输颠簸对猪行为与舒适度的影响。加拿大农业及农业食品部奶制品和生猪研究与发展中央的肉类研究科学家Luigi Faucitano博士说:“卡车在运输过程中配备了追踪震撼传感器,猪身上装有心率与体温监视器,车内还有监视猪行为的摄像机,无论猪是坐着、立着还是躺着,都会被记录下来。为了在屠宰后评估压力因素与肉类质量,科学家会在屠宰之前采集血样。”
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