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来源: 最后更新:22-06-12 04:47:05


  EU - EU fresh/frozen pork exports showed only marginal year-on-year growth during October, increasing by just over half a percent to stand at a shade under 180,000 tonnes.Nonetheless, higher pig prices in 2016 translated into increased unit prices, resulting in the overall value of pork exports during October climbing 11 per cent on the year to reach 457 million.Growth was restricted due to a drop in volumes shipped to the two main destinations for exported EU pork: China and Japan. At 57.6 thousand tonnes, Chinese volumes were back 7 per cent on October last year, making this was the first month where shipments were lower than year earlier levels since January 2015.


标签: 欧盟  猪肉出口  中国  养猪行情  



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