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爱尔兰加工商保持旺盛的猪肉需求 爱尔兰肉类加工

来源: 最后更新:22-06-11 04:45:33


  IRELAND - Chairman of the Irish Farmers Association Pigs Committee Tom Hogan has called on all processors to increase the price of pigs across the board. Demand into the new year has remained strong from all processors and a price of 1.60/kg has been obtained with a top price of 1.62/kg reported.A price increase is required if Irish pig farmers are to recoup the losses sustained in both 2015 and 2016, where losses of 8c/kg and 4c/kg were sustained. There was more positive news from the German pig sector last week with an additional 5c/kg increase in finished pig price, following a 4c/kg increase the previous week, reflecting the strong demand across the EU.

  由于加工商新一年的猪肉需求依然旺盛,市场已有的猪肉成交价为1.6欧元/公斤,报道的猪肉最高价为1.62欧元/公斤。因此,爱尔兰农场主协会旗下猪肉委员会主席Tom Hogan呼吁全国的加工商提高猪肉收购价格。要是爱尔兰农民想要拿归2015年和2016年蒙受的损失,那么就必须请求价格上涨。他们在2年中分辞损失8欧分/公斤和4欧分/公斤。上周德国猪肉行业传来许多好消息,育肥猪价格在过去一周增长4欧分/公斤,此后额外上涨5欧分/公斤,反映了整个欧盟旺盛的猪肉需求。

标签: 爱尔兰  德国  猪肉需求  养猪行情  



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