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来源: 最后更新:22-06-07 01:08:28

导读:养猪行情:彼得·克莱顿(Peter Crichton)在他2月10日的“红绿灯”评论区写道,尽管猪价有所回落,站在149.96便士的价格水平之上,但是英国猪肉供应和需求看起来正处于微妙的平衡中。

  UK - Although the SPP has dropped back a shade and now stands at 149.96p, supply and demand seem to be more or less in balance and prices today were of a “positive stand on” nature rather than a positive pee off”! writes Peter Crichton in his "Traffic Lights" commentary for 10 February.Weekly announced prices have all remained at last week’s levels generally within the 145p–150p/kg range and spot quotes have also held firm with possibly the odd copper available in places.Although the spot market only represents a very small proportion of slaughter pig numbers, rather like the auction markets in the “good old days”, they still provide a ready barometer of which way prices are heading.

  彼得·克莱顿(Peter Crichton)在他2月10日的“红绿灯”评论区写道,尽管猪价有所归落,立在149.96便士的价格水平之上,但是英国猪肉供应和需求看起来正处于微妙的平衡中。目前的价格处于踊跃上攻的状态而非立着就要掉下去的情势。每周的公开价格依然向来保持上周的价格水平,大体在145-150便士每千克的范围内浮动,现货价格也表现稳定。尽管现货市场只代表了出栏生猪数目的很小一部分,这就好比是热火朝天的拍卖场,仍能为价格的未来走势提供一个现成的指标。

标签: 英国  供应  平衡  养猪行情  



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