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英国一月的猪肉供应量减少 英国超市猪肉

来源: 最后更新:22-06-06 02:32:27


  UK - While UK clean pig slaughterings in January were reported by Defra to be level with the calendar month in 2016, this was due to there being an extra working day in January 2017 compared with 2016.When the slaughtering figures are adjusted so they can be compared on a like for like basis, they are seen to be over 5 per cent lower than a year earlier at 849,600 head. Overall, this continues the trend of lower slaughterings seen in previous months, driven by the fall in the size of the breeding herd that occurred last year.


标签: 英国  猪肉  屠宰量  养猪行情  



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