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python设置文件权限 python设置文件权限不可读

来源: 最后更新:22-12-27 04:34:48

导读:1、os.chmod()方法 此方法通过数值模式更新路径或文件权限。该模式可采取下列值或按位或运算组合之一:stat.S_ISUID: Set user ID on execution.stat.S_ISGID: Set

1、os.chmod()方法 此方法通过数值模式更新路径或文件权限。该模式可采取下列值或按位或运算组合之一:

stat.S_ISUID: Set user ID on execution.

stat.S_ISGID: Set group ID on execution.

stat.S_ENFMT: Record locking enforced.

stat.S_ISVTX: Save text image after execution.

stat.S_IREAD: Read by owner.

stat.S_IWRITE: Write by owner.

stat.S_IEXEC: Execute by owner.

stat.S_IRWXU: Read, write, and execute by owner.

stat.S_IRUSR: Read by owner.

stat.S_IWUSR: Write by owner.

stat.S_IXUSR: Execute by owner.

stat.S_IRWXG: Read, write, and execute by group.

stat.S_IRGRP: Read by group.

stat.S_IWGRP: Write by group.

stat.S_IXGRP: Execute by group.

stat.S_IRWXO: Read, write, and execute by others.

stat.S_IROTH: Read by others.

stat.S_IWOTH: Write by others.

stat.S_IXOTH: Execute by others.


os.chmod(path, mode);


path: This is the path for which mode would be set.

mode: This may take one of the above mentioned values or bitwise ORedcombinations of them:

标签: python设置文件权限  



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