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来源: 最后更新:22-11-17 08:17:44

导读: drama意思是戏剧、让人意料之外的、让人焦虑、让人激动的事件、行为或状况,也就是常说的“戏很多,戏很足”。因为单词drama



1、A thriller or a drama?

2、Then there is more drama.

3、The drama may be termed a comedy.

4、No, it is not a Korean drama.

5、The French drama was neat but empty.

6、Transatlantic relations do not contain a similar potential for drama.

7、In this the songs were important, not the drama.

8、By contrast, experiments at verse drama have looked anaemic.

9、It was there that she taught girls music and drama.

10、I grew up in my parents pub in England, where there was always a lot of drama. And all the dramafights, flirting, tears, tantrumsrevolved around love.

标签: drama  



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