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来源: 最后更新:22-06-20 10:22:52


  EU - Reports circulating around the EU over the last week suggest that EU negotiators are preparing to offer some South American countries import quotas for selected agricultural products.A draft of the EU’s offer to Mercosur, due to be tabled next month, reportedly includes an offer of a tariff rate quota for pork. This would allow the Mercosur countries to supply 3,000 tonnes of prime pork cuts and 9,250 tonnes of lower quality pork to the EU, provided it was Ractopamine-free. This would be subject to a 83/tonne levy but this is well below current tariffs, which range from 467 to 869 per tonne, depending on the cut involved.


标签: 南方共同市场  欧盟  莱克多巴胺  养猪行情  



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